Cold Sores.. What Is it..??

Saturday, August 1, 2009 | Published in |

What Are Cold Sores? A cold sore is actually an outbreak that is caused by the herpes virus.

The herpes virus has two different types; cold sores are
known as HSV1 or Herpes Simplex 1. This herpes simplex or type, affects the oral region of males and females of all ages. The outbreak usually occurs around the lips and mouth, and occasionally inside the mouth.

I have never had one, but I am told that they are very painful.

What are Cold Sores called? The outbreak is most commonly referred to as a cold sore, or fever blister.

Cold Sores and fever blisters are very common and very contagious.

It is highly recommended not to come into contact with any other person while you experience a cold sore, or you with them. The virus can be easily transmitted. Once the virus infects a person, the infection is permanent.

Cold Sores occur as small blisters around the lips and mouth, a small bumpy rash can also occur.

Outbreaks are most commonly brought on by large amounts of stress.
An outbreak is very irritating, and can also lead to intense itching. A cold sore or fever blister usually lasts several days.
Once the Cold Sore blister bursts or ruptures, this signifies the end of the outbreak.

What are Cold Sores? They are very contagious and painful and once the virus gets into your system, it does not go away.

source: zimbio